Thursday, August 22, 2013

Personal conviction

Lately I have been struggling at a crossroads. Where to go from here? Now, don't get me wrong, some of my life's direction is very clear and some not so clear. I have been trying to be very quiet and listen to God. I have prayed continually throughout my days and have tried to amp up my quiet time. I learning to discern pretty quickly what is Spirit led, what is my own desire, and what could be man's desire disguised as God's desire.

Here is what I know about my life thus far...
For two years now, Chris and I have had a very clear direction from God. Adopt two orphans from China. Advocate for more children who need homes. James 1:27 lived out. Chris is such an amazing man, and I know he is humble and wouldn't want attention called to him, but he lives out James 1:27 in many tangible ways.
We understand radical obedience. We understand sacrifice. When we were called to adopt the first time, we sacrificed our dreams and plans for our future. We agreed to start over with the baby/toddler years. For the second adoption God took us up a few levels in His call to obedience. He asked us to face adversity. We didn't have the support we had the first time. He asked us walk blind with out one dime saved or in our human minds any way possible to secure the funds. Yet, as we boldly continued on to be obedient to Him, he blessed us at every crossroad.

Books like "Radical" and "Not a Fan" are my blue prints for life. I strive to live better, serve God more, and glorify Him daily. So hard for such a sinner like me! Yet, I know I serve an awesome God and I know that this life is nothing compared to the next ETERNAL life. Yep, ETERNAL means forever. This life...a blink. Nothing.

I am sold out to Jesus yet I am not sold out to man. Which means  if I believe God is leading me in a direction contrary to a large group of others it doesn't mean I am trying to divide or I am a tool for unbelief.
It simply means in my quiet still time, I know God has a big plan for my life and I am going to follow it. When that still small voice speaks to go the opposite of those around me it doesn't mean I am hearing the wrong message.

I am called to:
Live Radical for Jesus
Serve Him
Glorify Him in my daily life
Love everyone and Share with them the promise of eternal life
Advocate for those who have no voice: the orphan, the enslaved, the trafficked.

I know for sure that I am:
A sinner with no hope to atone for any of my actions myself
A sinner SAVED by Grace, the redeeming power of Christ's death and resurrection.
A passionate advocate who will work tirelessly to all God calls me to.

The coming year I will strive to further deepen my relationship with Christ and mature in my daily spiritual walk.
I will work hard to bring more of the lost home to families who can share with them the love of Jesus. Adoption isn't plan B when Plan A fails. Adoption is something God did for all of us and CALLS US TO LIVE OUT. I will explore learning how I can help those who are trafficked and those who are enslaved in countries and face abuse.

What I  won't do:
Stroke anyone's ego
Follow along with a majority for the sake of following a majority
Take credit for anything (I am being equipped by God)
Quiet my voice for the Orphan