Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What would Jesus have ME do?

A little selfie love

Deep discussion this week with my dear sister in Christ had me really thinking about a lot of things. What DO I actually believe? I mean I have moved past basic faith. I am sold out to Jesus. I wake up every day trying my hardest to live for God's glory.  I have also struggled with deeper philosophies and practices of today's churches. Turns out after googling til my eyes bled, I am not down with the "seeker sensitive" movement. I won't go into all my reasons but Romans 3:10-12 tells us that no one seeks God. I'm wary of most teachers (sorry but I'm over you James MacDonald) and long for the pure words of the apostle Paul. I'm about ready to worship with a small group of believers in my kitchen or move to the state where the Church at Brookhills is located. 
Out of all this wrestling, if you will, has come a deeper sense of my need for scripture and thus my new discipline of carving out quiet time for devotion and bible reading. I get up an hour before most of the kiddos and am trying to be intentional about scripture. Bible time. Not feel good devotional reading, true honest scripture and how it applies to my life.
I was raised in church and while I might consider myself to have only been saved about four years, I would not consider myself an infant in my faith. 
Recently the question was posed  "Would Jesus go to a gay wedding" It was kind of a twist on the nineties "What would Jesus Do."  At first I didn't know how I even felt about the question. Tonight as I had some time to really think about it, I thought about how it really didn't matter what I thought. Jesus isn't here now, he's on the throne interceding for us. He doesn't live in human form in today's culture. He gave us instructions on how to live. He taught us to LOVE our enemies and to love our neighbor as we love our self. Anyone who's taken a selfie or two knows there is a lot of self love out there these days, but not a whole lot of helping or loving our neighbor. (Who is our neighbor ---EVERYONE)
I really think the question should be "What would Jesus have ME do."  Jesus called us to live in truth and love, to not compromise either. I haven't done the best job in the discipleship arena  but I have had a couple of people model it for me and I hope to follow their lead. The bible teaches us truth, and how being in the word helps me discern truth. I love Jesus. I won't ever stop trying to show people how my life was redeemed. I won't stop in my quest to advocate for the orphan. It really doesn't matter what I think about if Jesus would have driven a BMW or went to Starbucks.