Friday, October 7, 2011

"And lo I am with you always, even to the ends of the earth"

"I'm here with your husband and they are taking him by ambulance to the hospital"

These are words no wife wants to hear in her lifetime. These are words no mother, no grandmother, no anyone, want to hear in their lifetime. As I began to drive the long twenty minutes to the hospital to meet the ambulance, I knew it was serious. It was head trauma from a line drive in his softball game. I never was very comfortable with him playing third base, but like anything else he had a passion for, I tried not to be too much of a pest about it. I had spoken to him over the phone and had heard his voice, yet as I drove, fear gripped me. I began praying. I knew the injury was serious and my mind thought of all the "what ifs". I also knew that MY God was good no matter what, and the story being written, my story, Chris' story was actually God's story. I prayed for protection, and I prayed for healing. Beyond that I knew everything else was His .I heard in my head a portion of, the precious bible verse Matthew 28:20 "lo, I am with you always, even to the ends of the earth." A comforting peace surrounded the fear. There was still fear. I am human. I know that my God controls all things but being human, sin allows fear to creep in. After a few tests and a decision to transfer him to a larger hospital, I rode with him in the ambulance. I wasn't allowed in back, so I sat in the passenger seat up front. Occasionally there was silence and so I began singing the song which was in my head "How great thou art". I have no idea why this particular song was in my head. I didn't sing it very loud because I was having trouble remembering all the words and I didn't want to embarrass myself! One of our wonderful ministers, John, stayed with us the whole night until Chris was transferred to a room. It was a miracle he wasn't in ICU as some of the doctors had said he would be. John prayed with us right before he left the hospital, staying up all night to be there for us and to comfort us. The first couple of days I would say Chris actually looked worse, but his condition improved. He stayed for a couple days in the hospital but then was released with no more bleeding on his brain! Praise God! Steadily over the last week he has improved dramatically. His nasty swelling, pink,purple and yellow colors to his eyes have went away. I thought recently my future is uncertain, and that thought gripped me with a little fear and anxiety, but don't we all face uncertainty? There is no guarantee in this lifetime how long we have. Preparation is nice but it means nothing. I prepare everyday now for Ellie's arrival, but I know God is writing the story. I trust him. God is always good, Jesus is coming back, and in this I have the promise of eternal bliss with Him in heaven. It's the only promise I want, and the only promise I need.