Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Oh yeah, let me remove that log, first!

  Matthew 7:1-3
1“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

This verse has always been pretty important to me. It was so important to me, that early on, on my Facebook page I had it written in the quotations section. It was important to me, because I have been a "judge" most of my life. I was taught to judge by many "teachers' through out my life. Let's face it, as humans- judging makes us feel good. We love to judge because we look better than the one we are casting our judgement upon. Gossip ties into this. Oh, my biggest weakness! Gossip is thrilling, two women chatting about someone else's misstep, life choice or hairstyle makes us feel better about ourselves. When we first started radically different living, living according to God's purpose, this verse was one first which jumped off the page and into my heart. Yet, it is the one thing I fall down daily about. THE one thing I have been convicted lately to focus on to remove as much of it as possible.

Ephesians 4:29
29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

That verse is so important to me, I've considered a time or two tattooing it on my wrist in hopes I would remember to stop before I spoke.
Back two and a half years ago, God began working on my heart in this area. He called me to work  in the ministry of helping teen moms. Most of our lives we had spent being pretty pleased with our choices in life. Chris had a great, stable job with awesome benefits and I stayed at home. Watching the news, or even being out in public I always patted myself on the back with my "good choices." We judged those on welfare or who in our opinion, didn't need it. DH saw plenty of people in his job who collected public aid and never lifted a finger to help themselves out of poverty.
Then one day, God changed our hearts. I had been working in the teen mom ministry for about a year, with many different girls with different stories. But it was surface work. I'd show up, be a "mentor" and go home. Nothing much changed in my heart, and I probably was pretty pleased with what I was doing. Then one day a girl walked into a meeting who changed my life. She had the most beautiful baby girl I think I had ever seen outside of my own daughter. I was immediately drawn to this girl. After some months, her situation caused her to need a home. We took her in. We had never done anything so radical. We took in a stranger! People said we were either crazy or saints. We were nether. God was just showing us in a real and tangible and very painful way, "here's a lesson on judgement". That was a really tough time and I cried almost daily of the challenges of being a mom and now "nana" to three strangers.
The love and encouragement I had known growing up was never taught to her. She was left alone at a young age, and in her early teenage years cast aside to take care of herself. Because she didn't know where to look for love and fulfillment, she went looking in the wrong places. Which brought her to our church. Her life story is still unfolding, but she has made significant strides in life, working towards bettering her life and her children. She became a Christian. She is no longer living under our roof, but still apart of our family. She considers us "mom" and "dad". She teaches me daily new challenges to what I once believed. God continues to teach me how to give grace daily. I fail at this task almost daily. My texts to two mentors are always filled with judgement of others, and gently they remind me about grace. Grace is what Christians are supposed to show when the person does not merit it because no matter what life choices we make, GOD STILL SHOWS US GRACE. 
Today, I saw about three posting images about the Iphone and public aid on Facebook. I see one posted on Facebook at least once a day. For most of my life up I would have been one to publicly post or share it as well. I am ashamed to admit one of them I didn't post but texted recently between a friend because I was again, judging and elevating myself. 
Sometimes the mama bear in me comes out because of those I love are being judged. My girl had never been given much of a chance by society before she came to our group and our family and many Christian women became a part of her life. I'm not taking much of the credit, we temporarily gave her a roof over her head and a family she could call her own. Many more women have come along side her to mentor, give advice and educate. It's what God called us to do. James 1:27 commands us to take care of the orphans and widows of the world. I don't think back in Jesus' time there were teen moms, so I'd like to think in 2012 this verse applies to them as well.
When I first started with the teen mom group I was told our church was one of several asked to provide a home for this group's meetings. Most churches turned them down which is a pretty big statement in itself. Titus calls older, mature Christian women to mentor younger women. It doesn't say only those young women making good choices in their lives. 
I was born with a pretty passionate outgoing personality. For most of my life I have used it either to judge or self promote. God has convicted me since I am going to have such a loud voice I should use it for those who don't have one. I'm no saint. I fall down daily, I yell at my kids, I gossip, I eat too much food, I worry if my house is "clean enough". But I love Jesus and I want to advocate for those who have no voice. I'm pretty sure I still have that log in my eye, one day I look forward to being restored to glorify God the way He intended for me to do.