Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you Also known as I wrote this blog for YOU!

As I sit here drinking my coffee every morning, reading through which posts Facebook thinks I should see (is it really Facebook? Think about it) I see many posts of anguish. I see so many people struggling and my heart breaks for them. There are two groups of those who struggle. Those who struggle WITH God and those who struggle WITHOUT Him. The first group has struggles. Sure all people, including Christians have struggles. It's because there is sin in the world! Duh! You don't become a Christian, wait let me don't allow Jesus to come into your life and magically poof your life is perfect. It doesn't work that way.

But the difference is in how you experience your struggles. With out Jesus I imagine life's struggles would be about as productive as banging your head agains a wall. Doesn't help much, does it? You still feel overwhelmed like you are sinking, right? Hey, I'm talking to YOU, keep reading!

Those who truly walk with God daily and understand lifes struggles are a blessing! What? A bessing? The worst things to happen are a blessing? Yes, they are. And we can learn from them. I have seen Godly people who love the Lord come through some gut wrenching things all the while praising Him. There is a peace one has when they struggle WITH God and allow him to carry their burden than if they did it alone.

Now, read the second line in this Psalm

"Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you;

He will never allow the righteous to be shaken."

See that word, righteous? Some translations say "Godly" some say "upright man" some say "just"

What it is talking about here is those who walk with God he has promised to love them and never leave them no matter what! Let me repeat, those who walk WITH him!

So ask yourself, are you walking with Him or with out Him?
Psalm 55