Thursday, December 19, 2013

Seriously Christians?

So I really don't have time to write a blog post, however I just cannot stay silent on the recent Phil Robertson Duck Dynasty uproar. I didn't get into the Chic Fil A controversy but here I am and I feel compelled to write.

Christians need to remember in this day of social media it's not what we believe that matters but how we go about living it out. Jesus called us to love. Period.  Enough already on which sin is what, and who's lifestyle you don't agree with. If you would like to know what I believe then come meet me for coffee or lunch. I'll even pick up your tab. I'd love to sit down with anyone who wonders what I as a Christian believe, and why I believe it. What you won't see me do is post my belief system on sin on social media. Why? Because those who do not have my belief system or do not understand my faith could possibly view it as bigotry or hatred. Folks, this is NOT what Jesus intended. He told us, Christians, to LOVE.

Personally I think there was an agenda here.  I think A&E wants out from under this Christian show. Perhaps the Robertsons have made a big enough name for themselves they no longer want to be handcuffed by A&E.
Perhaps Phil was too naive  to realize he was set up? Or he didn't care? The media loves to twist things for their anti-Christian agenda and he played right into it.
Don't fall into the trap! Christians, love your neighbors! Love them! Let your life be an example of what you believe. Let your words glorify God. In the end, it won't be up to us humans to judge.

John 13:34-35  “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.